Professional treatment is necessary for someone who is addicted to opioids. Below are 10 reasons why you should seek treatment now, instead of reaching for that next fix. Call 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) to find safe, reliable rehab options that will cater to your needs.
1. Your Relief Will Only Be Temporary
If you decide to use opioids to get high instead of seeking treatment and ending this vicious cycle, your relief will only last as long as the drug’s effects do. Once it wears off, you will be right back in the same place again, looking for relief. Seek professional treatment instead.
2. Your Next Use Could Be Dangerous
According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, “Overdoses of narcotics are not uncommon and can be fatal.” The next time you use opioids to get high could cause an overdose situation and you could be left with severe consequences. Seek help now instead of putting yourself in this position.
3. Withdrawal Symptoms Will Always Return
Many people continue to use opioids long after they enjoy the effects simply to stave off their severe withdrawal symptoms. However, you will continue to experience these as long as you are dependent on opioids.
4. You Can Stop Ignoring the Drug’s Effects

With treatment, you will start to feel like yourself again.
As stated by Harvard Medical School, “Addicts neglect their health and safety for many reasons, including a tendency to ignore pain and other normal physical warning signs.” This issue can end if you finally seek the treatment you need and start to heal.
5. Your Friends and Family Will Thank You
It is very likely that your abuse of opioids has not only been difficult on you but also on your loved ones. Your friends and family members will likely be very grateful that you have decided to seek treatment, and if you ask, they will doubtlessly want to be there for you and support you every step of the way.
6. You Can Get to the Root of the Problem
In many cases, unresolved trauma, an untreated mental disorder, or another factor is partially responsible for one’s addiction. It can be extremely helpful to find out about these possible issues and be treated for them alongside your addiction.
7. No More Side Effects
No more nausea and vomiting, no more constipation, no more dry mouth, no more withdrawal symptoms. All of these issues will end with treatment.
8. Drug Abuse Takes Things Away
How many things have you lost to your substance abuse? A job, a relationship, your financial security? It’s important to stop now before you lose more.
9. Create Real Change in Your Life
You may have said to yourself a hundred times or more that you want to quit your opioid abuse. But without professional help, it’s almost impossible to create this kind of true change.
10. Start to Feel Like You Again
It is likely that you haven’t felt like yourself in a long time. With professional treatment, hard work, and patience, you can rediscover who you really are without opioids.
Seek Opioid Addiction Treatment Now
Call 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) to find safe treatment options where you can begin your recovery from opioid abuse. We can also answer any questions you may have about substance use disorders and their effects. Call now.