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Convincing an Opiate Addict they Need Treatment

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Unfortunately, many you probably know someone who needs opiate addiction treatment. Convincing them that treatment is the best option for them is extremely difficult. Most addicts do not want to hear that they need addiction treatment and will resist your efforts. There are ways to help them find the treatment that they need.

Find out Why they Use Opiates

By finding out why they are using opiates, you can sometimes convince them that there are other ways to get what they want. Opiate addiction often starts with chronic pain or another illness that causes someone to use.

Ask About How Much they are Using

If they are a chronic pain patient, find out how much they are using. If they are doubling or tripling their prescribed doses, you can suggest alternatives such as methadone or Suboxone. These alternatives often help an addict get away from opiates and still treat the chronic pain they are in.

Sit Down and Talk with them About their Addiction

Convincing an Opiate Addict

Try to speak to your loved one about your concerns in a nonjudgmental manner.

By sitting down and having a rational discussion, you might be able to share your concerns about their addiction. Do not be surprised if they are defensive at first. You can always try again once they’ve calmed down. Most addicts do not like being confronted about their addiction or their addiction issues.

Do not Judge them for the Addiction

It is important to approach them in a nonjudgmental way. No one likes to be judged for their actions and addicts are a bit more sensitive to this feeling. When you ask someone about their addiction, they become extremely defensive very quickly because they believe you are judging them. If you are going to get through to them they need to understand that you are not judging them.

Talk to them About Treatment Options

Discuss what kind of treatment they want. There is a good chance that they have thought about treatment before your discussion. They might have ideas of their own about what kind of treatment would work best for their situation. Listen to them. They know their situation better than anyone else does. They might have even looked into treatment before and needed the encouragement to go.

Offer your Help and Support

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the support of friends and family before, during, and after treatment is crucial to treatment success. By giving your help and support, you can help with their overall treatment.

Offer to Go with them to the Treatment Center to Help them Check In

Having someone there with you when you seek treatment is extremely helpful. By offering to join them and help them get through the initial process you can lent them your support. It shows them that you are there for them no matter what, even through one of the hardest parts of the process.

6 Ways Your Loved One Could be Hiding Opiate Addiction Right in Front of You

Find out Their Treatment Options

By being armed with treatment options is one way to convince and opiate addict to get treatment. To find out about the treatment options available call us at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?).

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