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8 Lifelong Consequences of Heroin Addiction You Might Not Have Considered

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Although almost everyone understands that heroin addiction is a bad thing, many people do not understand the lifelong consequences of using it. According to the National Library of Medicine, heroin has several very severe lifelong consequences.

Addiction on your Medical Records

Most people do not realize that when a doctor finds out that you are an addict, the information remains on your medical records for the rest of your life. This medical record can follow you from place to place if you are not careful. Addiction treatment is often kept confidential if you request it.

Unwanted Deadly Illness

The HIV virus is transmitted though sharing needles. It is very easy to end up with this deadly virus when you share needles with other heroin addicts. Once you have this disease it is impossible to get rid of and is often deadly.

Unwanted Infections

Consequences of Heroin

Abusing heroin through shared needles can spread infections such as HIV and hepatitis.

HIV is not the only infection you can transmit through the use of dirty needles. Sharing needles can transmit hepatitis, other viral infections, and bacterial infections. These infections sometimes cause permanent damage to the immune system and permanent scarring of veins.

Unplanned Pregnancy

Unfortunately, risk taking behavior is part of heroin addiction. Whether the sex is consensual or not and unplanned pregnancy can result. Pregnancy and birth can be a lifelong issue if you choose to keep the child.


Arrest records can follow you no matter where you go for the rest of your life. Most people arrested for drug possession or dealing cannot hold certain trusted jobs. Any time someone does a background check the arrest will show up and if you did not disclose it on your application and you might not get hired because of it. Even without a conviction, the arrest on your record can still cause major problems for you.

In the age of the internet, your mug shot will also probably be published online. This is even more difficult to get rid of than an arrest record. Once a photo is on the internet it is there to stay. Your record will be available to anyone that once to view it.


If your arrest record follows you around, imagine what a prison record will do. Many people who go to jail for drug possession or use, wind up with a felony record. This record prevents you from holding a lot of jobs and can ruin employability for life. Even if you have the record expunged many of the records remain online despite the fact that they are no longer publicly available.


If you overdose you run into the same problems with medical records only this time it is a hospital record that follows you around. Not only that going back to the same hospital even if you are clean will still get you treated like a drug addict. Although the hospital staff might not intend to they often do just because of your history.

Legal Ramifications of Heroin Addiction


Death is a permanent consequence of heroin use. In recent years heroin deaths due to overdose or adverse reactions have reached epidemic proportions according to the Centers for disease control.

Avoiding these Consequences

You can avoid all of these consequences by seeking treatment now. To find the right treatment for your heroin addiction, call us at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?). You can stop your heroin addiction long before these lifelong consequences occur by finding the correct treatment for your addiction.

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