Opium is a naturally occurring highly addictive drug that claims 5% of the United States as its slaves. Slaves to opium addiction find that the cycle they have started seems nearly impossible to break due to tolerance build up and immediate withdrawal symptoms as soon as the effects of the “high” recede into the shadows. With opiates, every time you use, you will not only want to use again, you will crave it. You will have to increase the amount you use in order to reach that level of euphoria that has seduced you into being addicted.
Symptoms of withdrawal from opiates:
Early symptoms of withdrawal include:
- Agitation
- Anxiety
- Muscle aches
- Increased tearing
- Insomnia
- Runny nose
- Sweating
- Yawning
Late symptoms of withdrawal include:
- Abdominal cramping
- Diarrhea
- Dilated pupils
- Goose bumps
- Nausea
- Vomiting

You can find relief from opiate withdrawal!
According to the National Institute of Health, Opioid withdrawal reactions are very uncomfortable but are not life threatening. Symptoms usually start within 12 hours of last usage.
There are ways to alleviate these symptoms, as there are ways to beat opiate addiction and reclaim your life. Treatment centers across the United States are focused on recovery for addicts. These facilities have the most advanced forms of treatment available and offer a setting that will assist in recovery from addiction and nurture the actions needed to salvage what is left of the addict’s life.
An example treatment plan for opiate addiction may include the following measures:
- Comprehensive psychosocial assessment
- medical assessment (physical examination and laboratory testing)
- Medication dispensing
- Drug tests
- Identification of co-occurring disorders and neuropsychological problems
- Counseling to stop substance abuse and manage drug craving and urges
- Evaluation of and interventions to address family problems
- HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing, education, counseling, and referral for care
- Referral for additional services as needed.
Services offered in Treatment Centers often include:
- Detoxification
- Medication
- Behavioral therapy
- Relapse prevention
Addiction treatment facilities are staffed with medical professionals and clinicians who are focused on the addict’s success and recovery. These professionals are trained in several areas that been proven to help the addict through withdrawal and detoxification, assist them in their striving to rebuild their lives(behavioral therapies), and monitor their overall health to ensure that any co-occurring conditions can be treated as well (furthering the likelihood of success in recovery).
Recognizing that there is an addiction present and that help is needed is a large step in the right direction toward recovery. Individuals who are serious about seeking help for themselves or for a loved one for addiction rehabilitation, should earnestly consider a rehabilitation center and the benefits it offers. There is no cure for opiate addiction, but you can recover from active addiction and recapture a rewarding, healthy lifestyle.