According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, heroin is one of the most difficult addictions to recover from. It also has an incredibly high relapse rate. Most people who try it on their own sabotage their own efforts to recover from heroin addiction.
Listening to the Inner Addict
One of the worst people to listen to about your addiction is your inner addict. This voice will tell you anything to get the drug that you crave. It lies.
Convincing yourself the Only Thing that Helps is the Heroin
When you convince yourself that something is wrong with you, you can also convince yourself that you need the heroin. The people who convince themselves of this wind up relapsing quickly because they believe in their need.
Unwillingness to Listen to those Around you

Your addiction may keep you from wanting to hear what your loved ones have to say, but they are likely just trying to help you.
The people around you care about you. They are trying to help you. When you do not listen to them, the inner voice of the addiction gets louder and louder until you give in to it.
Stopping your Replacement Medication without a Doctor’s Care
It is easy to become dependent on your replacement medication and when you feel better, you might stop taking it. When you stop taking it, you go back into withdrawal. Once you hit withdrawal, you will start to feel the urge to use again.
Making Bad Choices
Making bad choices is one of the most common things addicts do. They give into their addiction. You go to your trigger locations or meet with friends that use both of these are bad choices.
Not Working at Your Recovery
Once you are in recovery, you have to work at it. If you do not work at it your are sabotaging your own recovery. Without doing the work that it takes to find the cause of the addiction, you will relapse.
Isolating yourself from those that Care about you
When you isolate yourself it is easy to give into depression and despair. These two emotions lead right back to the drug which takes them away temporarily.
Focusing on Treating Only the Addiction
Addiction treatment should treat both the addiction and the person. Something usually causes an addiction. Without discovering the cause, the addiction will continue and you find yourself returning to the drug use.
Not Practicing Good Self Care
Self care is extremely important. If you feel yourself slipping, seek treatment. Make sure that you take care of your physical and mental health. Most people forget to take care of themselves while they are focused on others. Helping others is fine but when you fail to take care of yourself, you can wind up right back where you started.
Refusing Treatment when you Need it
When you know that you are in need of treatment and you don’t admit that you cannot do it alone you sabotage yourself. If you need treatment for your heroin addiction, call us at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?). You are not alone we can help.