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When are Opium Abusers Most Likely to Relapse?

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If you have recently begun your journey to recovery from opium abuse, you have made an important decision that will change your life and allow you to become the person you want to be. It is also necessary that you prepare for the possible occurrence of relapse – as this is a likely event in the recovery of many individuals – and that you know when are the most dangerous times in which a person is likely to relapse back to opium use.

During Withdrawal

Withdrawal from opioids, although not as severe as the syndromes caused by alcohol, benzodiazepines, or even cocaine, is painful, uncomfortable, and very difficult to weather. According to the National Library of Medicine, “Treatment involves supportive care and medications,” and without this type of help, it can be extremely hard to get through the process of withdrawal. In fact, this is one of the most dangerous times for recovering individuals.

Likely to Relapse

Without the necessary treatment, withdrawal symptoms can make it nearly impossible not to relapse.

Many people turn back to opium abuse because the muscle, joint, and bone pain they experience during withdrawal can be excruciating. People experience these symptoms because the pain-relieving effects of the drug are no longer in their system, and they now have a very low tolerance for pain. However, with treatment that often includes the use of medications (like clonidine, methadone, or buprenorphine) and behavioral therapy, patients can work through this period without relapse. It is much harder to do so, though, without the proper treatments.

After Withdrawal

The time after withdrawal is a dangerous point for relapse to occur. Not only do many opium addicts relapse during this time, but it is also the most likely to be potentially fatal. As stated by the NLM, “Most opiate overdose deaths occur in persons who have just withdrawn or detoxed.” This occurs so often because many opioid addicts withdraw in a treatment center without then going on to addiction treatment.

“Because withdrawal reduces the person’s tolerance to the drug, those who have just gone through withdrawal can overdose on a much smaller dose than they used to take.” This is why individuals who have gone through withdrawal successfully absolutely must follow it up with opium addiction treatment. In this program, the individual will learn to avoid triggers and cope with cravings for the drug so they will not relapse back to abusing it.

During General Recovery

When a person is going through recovery, they may not be as likely to experience sudden and severe cravings for the drug as cocaine abusers are, but opium addicts can still relapse during their general recovery, even months or years after they last abused the drug. As stated by the Drug Enforcement Administration, “The opium poppy is the key source for many narcotics, including morphine, codeine, and heroin,” and these drugs exist in abundance. Some people may turn to them when craving opium, so it is very important to tell your doctor that you cannot take any opioid medications in the future.

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Opium Relapse Can Be Avoided

With the right treatment programs, the foresight to know when opium cravings will hit, and the strength to fight back against them, you can recover from opium abuse and avoid relapse. Call 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) today, and we will help you find a treatment program in your area.

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