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5 Signs You Need Long-term Narcotic Addiction Treatment

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Addiction treatment usually lasts for an average of 30, 60 or 90 days, depending on the individual and their needs. However, there are certain signs that you may require a long-term narcotic addiction rehab program, providing care for somewhere between 6 months to a year or more. Call 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) today to learn more about your options.

1. Severe Dependence on Narcotics

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, those with “high levels of physical dependency” on opioids should consider the use of methadone as a treatment option for their recoveries, as the drug in its optimal doses is usually effective in this case than buprenorphine or naltrexone.

Methadone maintenance treatment often lasts for at least a year, which means you would likely benefit from long-term narcotic addiction treatment.

2. A History of Recovery Attempts

Those who have tried more than once to recover from opioid abuse and experienced a number of relapses often could benefit from a longer, more hands-on treatment program. Inpatient and residential facilities will often offer programs where patients can work out the issues associated with their substance abuse and consider why they started using drugs in the first place.

This can be a long journey, but it can help immensely with the issue of multiple relapses.

3. Overdose

Long-term Narcotic Addiction Treatment

Multiple failed recovery attempts indicate the need for long-term treatment.

Especially if you were brought into treatment as the result of an opioid overdose, long-term treatment will likely be very beneficial for you. According to the National Library of Medicine, opioid overdose can sometimes be deadly, and one who experiences the ordeal is often more vulnerable toward going through it once more.

In addition, “Permanent lung damage, seizures, unsteadiness and difficulty walking, tremors, and reduced ability to think clearly may all occur.” Therefore, it can help you to take your time convalescing not only from your opioid addiction but also from the results of your overdose.

4. A Co-occurring Mental Disorder

Comorbid disorders need to be treated alongside an addiction because an untreated disorder is likely to cause the individual to return to drug abuse. If the treatment program is longer, you will be able to take your time recovering from both issues at a consistent rate rather than feeling that one isn’t receiving your full attention.

5. Severe Life Problems

If you are suffering from any serious problems in your life as a result of your opioid abuse, such as:

it is important for you to stay in treatment for the appropriate amount of time and to ensure that your treatment program can help you with these issues. Treatment must cater to all the needs of the individual patient, including those that do not directly relate to their drug abuse, so they can recover more strongly and successfully.

Long-term programs usually offer more options to help with these issues.

Seek Long-term Addiction Treatment Now

If you need long-term care for narcotic addiction, call 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?). We will help you find the safest and most beneficial treatment program for your needs as well as answer any questions you may have about recovery.

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