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Rehab Centers in North Carolina

We can help you find local opiate addiction treatment, call 877-743-0081 for a free referral.
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Opiate addiction doesn’t happen over night, but rather starts out as a seemingly harmless indulgence that makes it easy to to relax. From there, the effects of drugs like heroin, oxycodone and fentanyl gradually take over the brain and body, stripping away your ability to stop using.

If you’ve reached the point where opiate abuse has taken over your life, it’s time to consider seeking professional help. Fortunately, there are a range of opiate rehab programs available to help you overcome addiction’s hold on your life.

Some of the best opiate rehab centers can be found in North Carolina’s city regions, some of which include Charlotte, Durham and Asheville. All that’s left to do at this point is determine what types of programs will best meet your treatment needs.

Please feel free to call our toll-free helpline at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) if you need help choosing a program that’s right for you.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Opiate Addiction Treatment

Opiate Rehab Centers in North Carolina

Inpatient and outpatient treatment may seem fairly straight-forward at face value, but the differences between these program types can make or break your success in recovery if you choose the wrong one.

Inpatient programs require you to live at the facility while outpatient programs don’t. This small distinction speaks volumes in terms of the levels of support offered by inpatient vs outpatient opiate addiction treatment centers, according to the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

The goal of opiate addiction treatment works to help you undo addiction’s harmful effects on your thinking and behavior and develop a mindset capable of managing daily life on a drug-free basis. When addiction takes hold, a person loses the ability to control drug use; however, addiction severity can vary and so can one’s ability to control drug use.

If you’ve reached the point where serious consequences have resulted as a result of opiate abuse, such as job loss or divorce, you’re ability to control drug use has been severely compromised. These conditions warrant the level of structure and support provided by inpatient programs.

If you’re still able to hold down a job and carry out daily responsibilities like paying bills, an outpatient program may be enough to help your overcome addiction.

North Carolina Opiate Detox Centers

The detox stage of recovery is not only difficult, but can end up being the single, biggest obstacle to moving forward in the recovery process. In effect, you have to make it through detox withdrawal before treatment for opiate addiction can even begin.

According to the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration, opiate detox centers specialize in helping you overcome withdrawal and stop abusing opiates. While some people can detox on their own, opiate detox center treatment greatly increases your chances of a successful detox outcome.

Call our helpline at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) to ask about detox program treatment options.

Your Privacy During Opiate Addiction Treatment

During the course of treatment, you’ll likely be delving into some pretty personal, heart-wrenching issues as part of the addiction recovery process. More often than not, situations involving past traumas, bad choices and broken relationships become the driving forces behind needing to use drugs to cope with daily life. These conditions warrant a certain level privacy regardless of the context.

Not surprisingly, treatment centers for opiate addiction must adhere to strict confidentiality guidelines as put in place by federal and state laws. According to Case Western Reserve University, these provisions protect your privacy while in treatment while working to create an environment of safety and security within the recovery process.

How Long is Rehab?

The severity of your addiction problem for the most part determines how long treatment for opiate addiction will take. If you’re struggling with other conditions on top of an addiction problem, such as mental health issues or serious medical problems, treatment duration can take well over a year.

Otherwise, recovering from addiction alone can take anywhere from six months to a year depending on your condition.

I Want to Find Treatment for Opiate Addiction in NC

For most people, facing the need for treatment help doesn’t come easy. After so many failed attempts to take back control of your life from opiate abuse, the hold that addiction exerts can no longer be ignored.

It’s at this point where you want to make sure the program you choose is the best opiate rehab center for you. If you’ve been dealing with addiction for months or years at a time, it’s all the more important to see the problem for what it is so you can pick the program that provides the level of support you most need, according to the Department of Veterans Affairs.

While the choice between opiate addiction treatment centers is ultimately yours to make, opting for convenience over treatment need can end up causing more problems down the road than what you’re facing now.

If you need help determining which type of rehab program to choose, please don’t hesitate to call our helpline at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?).

Paying for Treatment

Nowadays, the costs that come with any type of healthcare run higher than most can afford. For many, the addiction lifestyle has stripped away their ability to hold down a job, let alone come up with thousands of dollars for opiate rehab.

Thankfully, today’s healthcare laws now define substance abuse treatment as an “essential health benefit.” This means insurance providers must cover rehab costs at the same rates as they cover standard medical costs.

Under these conditions, treatment centers for opiate addiction can accept any form of health insurance, such as Medicaid, employer-based plans and individual plans as payment. In most cases, your health plan will cover most, if not all, costs for treatment.

Get Help Today

The opiate addiction lifestyle “naturally” breeds chaos and confusion, which makes it all the more difficult to follow through on a decision. This is especially the case when the decision has to do with getting treatment help.

As you may well know by now, days, weeks and even months can go by before you come around to this point again and the problem will be even bigger. For these reasons, it’s important to act on your desire to get opiate addiction treatment now, rather than later.

If you need help finding a program that’s right for you, we can help. Call our toll-free helpline at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) to speak with one of our addiction counselors.

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