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5 Reasons to Choose Outpatient Opium Rehab

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Most opium addicts cannot recall the last time they actually enjoyed using opium. Instead, their use has become a form of torture for them as they toil in vain to feel “normal” and hold on to what they haven’t yet lost.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Today’s outpatient opium rehabs take a humanitarian approach to opium addicts supporting them in multiple ways and making it possible for them to live a satisfying, hopeful, and productive life once again.

Getting Your Days Back

Prolonged use of opium leads to a daily drudgery of finding the resources to get high, suffering withdrawals, and losing more of oneself over to the drug, only to worry about finding the resources to get more opium. Some repeat this cycle several times a day.

Outpatient opium rehab can help you get your days back by breaking the cycles of opium addiction and often includes the same comprehensive treatments you find in an inpatient program.

Curving the Opium Dependency

It doesn’t take long to become dependent on opium and your addiction won’t simply go away with detox. It may take months or years of abstinence before the cravings disappear because of opium’s effects on the brain.

Depending on your levels of addiction and patterns of use you may find outpatient opium rehabs that offer medically assisted therapies using methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone to help you overcome opium dependence. According to the NIDA,” these medications help patients disengage from drug seeking and related criminal behavior and become more receptive to behavioral treatments.”

Least Restrictions

rehab for opium

In outpatient rehab it is easier to stay close to your support system.

You may have thought that opium rehab entailed long absences from work or other obligations because the addiction is so difficult to overcome or, you may be leery about going on a maintenance program requiring daily trips to a clinic.

Outpatient opium rehab lets you go about your daily routines with fewer restrictions. When it comes to schedules for counseling and therapies, there is a greater degree of flexibility in the programs that work in your favor so you can take care of important obligations such as family, work, or school.

Building a Positive Support Network

You don’t have to feel abandoned in your addiction. Outpatient opium rehab can help you build a positive support network of people who will not judge you, but, help you to discover positive elements of change. It can also help you to open communications with family, friends, and others who are actively involved in your life which will go a long way in sustaining your long term recovery.


The cost of for outpatient rehab is usually less than inpatient rehab because you are not being provided room and board or around the clock services. Costs can be offset through insurance, state, local, or charitable funding and many offer payment schedules based on income.

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