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Rehab Centers in New Jersey

We can help you find local opiate addiction treatment, call 877-743-0081 for a free referral.
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Opiate abuse breeds a cycle of drug use that slowly strips away your ability to stop using the drug. Opiates carry such a high potential for abuse that even people who use opiates for treatment purposes risk falling into a drug abuse cycle. If you find yourself unable to stop using these drugs on your own, an opiate addiction may well be at work.

Once addiction takes hold, the need for opiate rehab help cannot be denied after a certain point. The good news is there are programs that can help you take back control of your life and live life on a drug-free basis. The state of New Jersey houses some of the best opiate rehab centers in areas like Newark, Jersey City and Bloomfield, though most any city-based region is likely to have treatment programs as well.

As there are several different types of rehab programs to choose from, it helps to have a general idea of what kind of help you need. From there, the process of finding the program that’s best for you gets easier.

Please don’t hesitate to call our toll-free helpline at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) to ask about drug treatment program options.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Opiate Addiction Treatment

Opiate Rehab Centers in New Jersey

The biggest difference between inpatient and outpatient opiate addiction treatment has to do with the treatment setting. Whereas inpatient programs require you to live at the facility for the duration of treatment, outpatient programs allow you to live at home.

According to the New York State Office of Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Services, if you’re recovering from a severe addiction problem, the live-in conditions of inpatient treatment offers a range of benefits, including:

  • Eliminates daily temptations to abuse opiates
  • 24-hour monitoring and supervision
  • Treatment for chronic medical conditions
  • Treatment for mental health problems
  • Daily, scheduled treatment sessions
  • Learning how to live drug-free on a day-by-day basis

Outpatient opiate addiction treatment centers provide many of the same services as inpatient programs; however, living at home places much of the responsibility for staying drug-free on your shoulders. In effect, these types of programs can only benefit you if you’ve already completed inpatient treatment or are still at the very early stages of drug abuse.

New Jersey Opiate Detox Centers

Regardless of how severe your drug problem may be, there’s no getting around the detox stage of recovery. Only after drug use ends can you begin working on the actual addiction problem.

Detox treatment for opiate addiction enables you to get past the uncomfortable withdrawal effects that make it so hard to stop using on your own. Using medication treatments, counseling an ongoing emotional support, opiate detox centers provide the level of support needed to stop abusing opiates.

If you need help finding an opiate detox center that’s right for you, call our helpline at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?).

Your Privacy During Opiate Addiction Treatment

It’s only normal to have concerns regarding your privacy while in rehab. Treatment centers for opiate addiction handle your medical information. Also, during the course of your stay, you’ll likely be working through a range of personal issues that tie into the addiction.

For these reasons, there are laws in place that require rehab treatment centers to follow certain procedures when handling patient information. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, federal laws and regulations regarding patient privacy work to protect you from social stigma and potential discrimination as far as drug addiction goes.

So if your employer, spouse or a nosy coworker tries to get information on your time spent in rehab, they’ll be turned away unless you’ve given prior consent.

How Long is Rehab?

Rehab duration varies from person to person. As a general rule, the degree of damage addiction has caused in your life is a good indicator of how long rehab will take.

In effect, the degree of damage wrought indicates how much addiction-based thinking has taken over your ability to manage your life, according to the journal of Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. In this respect, treatment for opiate addiction can take several months to several years depending on your situation.

For more information on how the drug rehab process works, call our helpline at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?).

I Want to Find Treatment for Opiate Addiction in NJ

The decision to get help for a drug problem doesn’t come easy, so finding a program that will actually help you overcome addiction is all the more important. You not only want to choose one of the best opiate rehab centers, but also one that can address your particular treatment needs.

Besides the inpatient vs outpatient distinction, opiate addiction treatment centers make up range of different treatment approaches and settings. Program types include:

  • Women-centered programs
  • Men’s programs
  • Programs for teens
  • Luxury-based programs
  • Sober living homes

Finding a program that specializes in the types of issues you face in everyday life can prove invaluable in terms of helping you work through difficult experiences that only certain others can understand. Likewise, if you’re coming off a severe addiction problem, long-term programs like sober living homes can help you gain a solid foundation in drug-free living.

Paying for Treatment

Over the course of the last decade, opiate abuse and addiction has reached epidemic proportions. According to the U. S. Department of Health & Human Services, with growing numbers of people in need of drug treatment, today’s healthcare laws have changed to accommodate these developments by making healthcare more affordable.

If you have health insurance or can qualify for Medicaid, your health plan will cover most, if not all, of your opiate rehab costs. Since treatment centers for opiate addiction do accept health insurance as a form of payment, the cost of drug rehab need not prevent you from getting the help you need.

Get Help Today

In the absence of needed treatment help you set yourself up to keep going around and around inside a vicious cycle of drug abuse. In the process, opiate addiction keeps growing stronger.

While it’s not easy to step outside the so-called comfort zone addiction creates, taking the necessary steps to overcome addiction’s hold offers you the very best chance of living a normal, happy life. Call our toll-free helpline at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) today to speak with one of our addiction counselors about available opiate addiction treatment options.

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