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Rehab Centers in Ohio

We can help you find local opiate addiction treatment, call 877-743-0081 for a free referral.
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As of the year 2000, prescription drug abuse rates have skyrocketed to epidemic proportions. This is especially the case with prescription pain meds. Not surprisingly, opiate addiction rates have also increased as a result. With prescription pain meds acting as gateway drugs to heroin abuse, affected individuals become that much more susceptible to heroin abuse when addiction goes untreated.

If you’re struggling with a drug problem, opiate rehab programs can help you overcome the effects of opiate abuse in your life. Residents of Ohio have access to some of the best opiate rehab centers, many of which can be found in areas like Columbus, Cleveland and Cincinnati, though good programs can be found in most any well-populated area within the state.

With a basic understanding of how addiction impacts your life you’ll be in a better position to determine which types of programs to consider in your search for treatment help. If you need more information on rehab program options, feel free to call our toll-free helpline at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?).

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Opiate Addiction Treatment

Opiate Rehab Centers in Ohio

For the most part, the choice between inpatient vs outpatient opiate addiction treatment depends on how out-of-control opiate abuse has become in your daily life, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information. If drug-using urges have reached the point where you can no longer hold down a job or manage your household, the live-in treatment setting that inpatient care provides is best suited to help you overcome addiction’s hold.

On the other hand, if you’re still able to meet your daily responsibilities, an outpatient opiate addiction treatment center may well offer the level of support you need.

Ohio Opiate Detox Centers

If you’ve already tried to stop abusing opiates and failed, you can benefit from the supports that opiate detox centers offer. Detox treatment for opiate addiction includes the following benefits:

  • Relief from uncomfortable withdrawal effects
  • Drug education and counseling
  • Support groups
  • Medication therapies that work to support normal brain functioning

As making it through the detox stage is a must for overcoming addiction, it’s important to choose an opiate detox center that can get you past this critical stage of the recovery process.

Please feel free to call our helpline at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) if you need help finding a detox treatment program.

Your Privacy During Opiate Addiction Treatment

The damage opiate abuse leaves behind is both physical and psychological in effect. Along with medical care, the majority of your time in rehab will be spent working through the psychological aftereffects of compulsive drug use, according to Harvard Health Publications.

In turn, you’ll be exploring a range of personal issues from your past and present with counselors, physicians as well as with other recovering addicts. These circumstances call for considerable privacy to protect your rights as a patient and to maintain a safe environment for healing.

Treatment centers for opiate addiction abide by strict confidentiality guidelines as put in place by federal law. The privacy protections followed in drug rehab are the same protections employed by any other type of medical care facility.

How Long is Rehab?

Addiction’s effects show up in your behavior in terms of the choices you make. In this respect, treatment for opiate addiction can vary in duration depending on how badly addiction has impacted your lifestyle.

For example, someone who’s struggling with a full-blown addiction will opt to stay home and get “high” rather than go work. After so many missed work days, he or she is out of a job. According to the National Institutes of Health, these types of effects or consequences are good indicators of how bad an addiction problem is.

Overall, rehab duration can run anywhere from six months to several years depending on the severity of the addiction. While that may seem like a long time, discontinuing treatment too soon can leave you reentering the treatment process all over again in the near future.

We can help you find a rehab program that can meet you where you’re at in the recovery process. Call our helpline at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) to ask about rehab treatment options.

I Want to Find Treatment for Opiate Addiction in OH

Finding the best opiate rehab centers in Ohio entails narrowing down your choices by program type and quality of care.

Program type has to do with separating out the programs that are best equipped to address your specific treatment needs. If you’re dealing with severe addiction, inpatient and residential programs should be at the top of your list. If you’re still at the early stages of opiate abuse, outpatient-based programs should also be considered.

In terms of quality of care, not all opiate addiction treatment centers comply with Ohio state requirements and so may not provide standards-based treatment. According to Journal for Healthcare Quality, programs that meet all required state licensing and accreditation requirements must meet certain quality of care standards in order to be accredited, and so can be considered quality programs.

Paying for Treatment

While opiate rehab costs can run high, today’s drug epidemic has prompted government bodies to make provisions for people who want to get drug treatment help. Changes in healthcare laws and added funding for nonprofit organizations have opened up a range of avenues that work to make drug treatment affordable for everyone.

Treatment centers for opiate addiction do accept health insurance as payment. Changes in healthcare laws now require insurers to cover substance abuse treatment as an essential health benefit. This means, health insurance will cover most of your treatment costs, be it Medicaid or an employer-based plan.

Depending on where you live, nonprofit organizations, such as the Red Cross and the Salvation Army may offer free treatment help or even financial assistance to cover treatment costs. Lastly, many drug rehab programs offer flexible payment plans, which can help make treatment costs more affordable.

Get Help Today

Opiate addiction develops out of the ongoing effects of the drug over time. Likewise, an addiction only grows stronger in force the longer it goes untreated. If you’re already experiencing physical or emotional problems as a result of opiate abuse, these conditions only stand to get more severe and debilitating with time.

For these reasons, it’s important to seek out opiate addiction treatment help as soon as possible in order to better ensure your chance of a successful recovery process. Please don’t hesitate to call our toll-free helpline at 877-743-0081 (Who Answers?) to speak with one of our addiction counselors about how to get started in drug rehab.

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